Frames Per Second In OpenCV

Often image processing algorithms are benchmarked using frames per second unit. Frames per second indicate the number of frames processed by the program in a second. Here is a short listing for finding the frames per second

#define h 280
#define w 320
using namespace std;

int main()
//Start and end times
time_t start,end;
//Stucture to get feed from cam
CvCapture* cap=cvCreateCameraCapture(0);
cvNamedWindow("Cam Feed",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

//Start the clock
int counter=0;

//Getting the present frame
IplImage* fram=cvQueryFrame(cap);
printf("\nPlease check your webcam connection");
//Showing the frame
cvShowImage("Cam Feed",fram);
//Stop the clock and show FPS
double sec=difftime(end,start);
double fps=counter/sec;
//Escape Sequence
char c=cvWaitKey(33);



Here is the output

To find the FPS of video replace  cvCreateCameraCapture with        cvCreateFileCapture(“Filename”);

5 thoughts on “Frames Per Second In OpenCV

  1. Hi, Its Labi Darling…
    Look i have set 10frames per sec for my videocam..
    now program statement that you wrote is “find the frames per sec” .
    but in my program.. result show me 8 frame some time 10 frames .. can you please explain that what does this output mean .. .thanks

  2. Actually FPS does not measure Camera settings, but it measure number of frames program actually processed in one second. It changes from algorithm to algorithm ie., why it is used as a measure of efficiency

  3. Pingback: Object Tracking on the Raspberry Pi with C++, OpenCV, and cvBlob « ProgrammaticPonderings

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